What do you do at Move For Life?
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The main thing that we do at Move For Life is MULTI-DANCE!
Children are sponges that learn quickly and like to try new things, in dance we often see single style classes like Jazz, Hip Hop, Ballroom, etc and while specialising in one style is very necessary in order to become really good, how do you know that that's the ONE you want to do?
In Multi-dance we expose children to 3-4 different styles of dance and movement in order to build their overall ability and knowledge of whats out there in the big world of dance and as our students get older they are able to make their own decisions regarding which styles they like and what ones they want to dive deeper into, maybe they LOVE hip hop and go hard in that direction, maybe they love it ALL and forge ahead with specialty classes in all styles.
Move For Life classes aim to arm them with the basic skills, knowledge and ability to walk into any class feeling confident and capable.

Little Movers are our 1-5yr old children with BIG ambitions - one small step for us big kids is one GIANT leap for our little ones.
Little Movers has 3 seperate class categories designed to help them develop and prepare for what comes next as they grow into Move Monkeys. With this age group it is very important to remember that they are constantly learning and they all learn at different rates. While we have age suggestions these can be fluid to suit the needs of the child, at different stages of their development students get the chance to be both leaders and followers depending on where they are on their own development journey and we love to embrace that as in most classrooms students are grouped within a single year of birth.

Suggested age: 1 - 2.5yrs
Class style: Accompanied (1 adult)
Language: English
*Recommended classes per week: 1 class
Our Blueberries are just figuring out that they can move in different ways, enjoy listening to music, are aware of other children and are learning how to be social.
In these classes we spend a lot of time getting students used to the classroom, listening to the teacher, waiting their turn and using their manners. A big part of this class is social interaction and expanding their awareness to beyond their home and immediate family.
We begin identifying body parts and their functions and building the strength required to use our bodies fully. Developing basic major muscle movements like marching, tiptoes, and bending to prepare for a jump (believe me when our blueberries are able to do their first jump unassisted the room goes wild!).
We stretch using core and strength building techniques that are essential to little ones muscle development and ability, we use our big muscles to move in active ways to build strength, engaging their minds and emotions, we dance with props that encourage exploratory movement like shaking, waving and spinning which is essential for vestibular, proprioceptive, auditory, and visual senses and we do fun audio cued dance choreography that kids love to replicate over and over!
We don't expect children to read the alphabet once and recite it back to us with perfect pronunciation and order, dance is much the same so we reinforce and repeat in classes. Repetition helps to make children feel confident, capable and gives them a sense of accomplishment when they know what comes next.
Suggested age: 2 - 3 yrs
Class style: Unaccompanied
Language: English
*Recommended classes per week: 1 class
Our Mangoes are becoming independant little people, they may be starting schooling of some kind and are capable of navigating classrooms and social situations without Mum or Dad helping them to get by. This is the class where we really start developing those classroom skills, following instructions on their own without help, taking turns, using their manners and communicating more clearly.
In these classes students are encouraged to follow the classroom rules in a clear but fun environment with reward systems and heavy praise for making good choices and learning the processes of the classroom. We are constantly reinforcing social development structures echoed in education institutions like taking turns, using their manners, sharing and communicating.
In these classes we develop our knowledge of body parts and their functions, we explore new ways to move and create more extreme versions of movement we already know to continue creating muscle memory and strength. We begin to challenge students to try new things and instil an understanding that we can do hard things - they even get easier when we try over and over again, practice makes progress!
We stretch using core and strength building techniques that are essential to little ones muscle development and ability, we use our big muscles to move in active ways to build strength while starting to explore small muscle movements further engaging their minds and emotions, we continue to dance with props that encourage exploratory movement like shaking, waving and spinning which is essential for vestibular, proprioceptive, auditory, and visual senses, in mangoes classes we also start to explore our own creativity within free movement and we continue to do fun audio cued dance choreography that kids love to replicate over and over - our Mangoes level dances are a little bit trickier now!
We don't expect children to read the alphabet once and recite it back to us with perfect pronunciation and order, dance is much the same so we reinforce and repeat in classes. Repetition helps to make children feel confident, capable and gives them a sense of accomplishment when they know what comes next. Each term we endeavour to teach 3-4 different dances and introduce 1-2 new techniques to our Mangoes! Mangoes are also being introduced to performing, whether it be in their final class for their parents and friends or on stage, we are starting to build confidence and show what we can do!

Suggested age: 4 - 5yrs
Class style: Unaccompanied
Language: English
*Recommended classes per week: 1 class
Our Strawberries are our big kid in the Little Movers universe! They are very confident in the classroom on their own, they can communicate and they are well versed in the Little Movers processes so this is where we really sink our teeth into some more difficult concepts to begin preparing them for the long awaited transition to MOVE MONKEYS - the really big kids class.
In these classes we take the time to do things properly while also having a tonne of fun! We are starting to understand our bodies and all that they are capable of IF we can focus and control our movements. What movements need lots of energy and power and what movements need calm control? How to go fast and how to go slow? How to get better at actions that are a little bit tricky for them now and how to make the movement they find easy even better?
We now begin to work on real independance in the classroom, recalling techniques without assistance, listening and applying corrections to movement, pushing our limits and increasing the range of our abilities, maybe being able to balance on one foot for more than 10 seconds for example.
We stretch using core and strength building techniques and begin our flexibility journey that are essential to little ones muscle development and ability, we use our big muscles to move in active ways to build strength, engaging their minds and emotions, we use our small muscle to control our actions and create more accurate movements, we dance with props that encourage exploritory movement like shaking, wafting and spinning which is essential for vestibular, proprioceptive, auditory, and visual senses and we also start to explore our own creativity within free movement, we do fun audio cued dance choreography that kids love to replicate over and over and helps them to be independant movers, completeing choreography without help from the teacher!
We don't expect children to read the alphabet once and recite it back to us with perfect pronunciation and order, dance is much the same so we reinforce and repeat in classes. Repetition helps to make children feel confident, capable and gives them a sense of accomplishment when they know what comes next. Each term we endeavour to teach 3-4 different dances and introduce 1-2 new techniques to our Strawberries! Strawberries are also introduced to performing, whether it be in their final class for their parents and friends or on stage, we are really focussed on building confidence, understanding how to achieve goals and showing what we can do!

Move Monkeys are our over 6yr old children who love to move, perform and learn!
Move Monkeys have 2 main class categories, multi-dance and style specific options. As with all humans Move Monkeys learn at different rates so while we have age suggestions these can be fluid to suit the needs of the child, at different stages of their development students get the chance to be both leaders and followers depending on where they are on their own development journey and we love to embrace that as in most classrooms students are grouped within a single year of birth. These classes are designed to give students a base understanding of dance and movement in a super fun and supportive environment with tonnes of performance opportunities. To get the best out of your Move Monkeys classes we recommend taking 2 to 3 classes per week mixing and matching Move Monkeys Multi-dance with one or more style classes.

Move Monkeys Multi-Dance
Suggested age: 6 - 10yrs
Class style: Unaccompanied
Language: English
*Recommended classes per week: 2 classes (eg: two multi-dance classes or a combination of multi-dance and a style class)
Our Juniors are often the most excitable bunch, they have just graduated from Little Movers classes and are now really eager to jump into the big kid dancing. Move Monkeys take Multi-Dance to a whole new level and start really exploring the difference in dance styles while building up that core ability level that will allow students to transition from one style to the next in order to be well-rounded and capable movers!
In these classes we structure the class more similarly to a traditional classroom where students have a job to do. Now don't get it confused this job is super duper fun as all jobs should be BUT we are taking responsibility for our own bodies and our own development. We are starting to become disciplined learners which is the best kind because it means that we can do anything as long as we put our mind to it, focus, try, fail, try again and try our best!
Each class we warm up with a fun but cardio focused jazz style dance that gets hearts pumping and clears away the brain fuzzys getting us ready to focus, we stretch with a focus on flexibility and conditioning (this ones met with groans from everyone but when we see improvements it's all worth it!), we introduce kids to jazz, hip hop, kpop and latin dances to give a taste of all styles of dance so they can figure out what they love and what is difficult for them and throughout the course of each dance we develop coordination, balance and overall body control.
Each term we endeavour to teach 3-4 different styles of dance, Juniors are also encouraged each term to participate in a performance whether it be in their final class for their parents and friends or on stage, we are really focussed on building confidence and performative skill, understanding how to achieve goals and showing what we can do! These skills are life long transferrable skills that we believe are essential to help create a well-rounded and capable person.
Term 1 - Autumn Performance is our Disney Parade Performance
Term 2 - Winter Performance is our
Term 3 - Spring Performance is our Showcase Stage Performance
Term 4 - Summer is reserved for Summer Camps
Move Monkeys - Jazz

Suggested age: 8+ yrs
Class style: Unaccompanied
Language: English
*6-7yrs must seek approval for enrolment
*Recommended classes per week: 2-3 classes (eg: 2 x jazz classes or a combination of jazz and another class)
Our older students really love to dance and are seeking more knowledge to help them unlock their potential! Kids in these classes are keen dancers and love the increased difficulty and discipline required for this style of class.
In these classes we explore core jazz techniques and focus on jazz choreography. We examine key themes of Jazz dancing including the kinds of movement that are quintessentially Jazz like isolations, syncopations, contractions and grounded movements. We also focus on flexibility, strength, balance, core control and performance quality.
Each class we warm up with a fun but cardio focused jazz style dance that gets hearts pumping and clears away the brain fuzzys getting us ready to focus, we stretch with a focus on flexibility and conditioning, we delve deep into Jazz techniques and correct ways of moving and finally we work on our performance quality.
Each term we endeavour to teach 1 main performance focussed choreography with additional combos that vary in difficulty to reinforce new techniques and steps learnt, Jazz students are also encouraged each term to participate in a performance whether it be in their final class for their parents and friends or on stage. As with all of our classes we are really focussed on building confidence and performative skill, understanding how to achieve goals and showing what we can do! These skills are life long transferrable skills that we believe are essential to help create a well-rounded and capable person. Performance opportunity all core Move Monkeys performance options with additional performances for those students enrolled for the full year.

Move Monkeys - Latin
Suggested age: 8+ yrs
Class style: Unaccompanied
Language: English
*6-7yrs must seek approval for enrolment
*Recommended classes per week: 2-3 classes (eg: 2 x jazz classes or a combination of jazz and another class)
Our older students really love to dance and are seeking more knowledge to help them unlock their potential! Kids in these classes are keen dancers and love the increased difficulty and discipline required for this style of class.
In these classes we explore core international style Latin dances and techniques. We focus on the 5 main dances including Cha Cha Cha, Samba, Rumba, Paso Doble and Jive, we also explore street latin styles including Salsa and Bachata. We learn about the history and culture of each dance style, proper techniques and mechanics of movement, posture and style, performance quality and quality of movement.
Each class we warm up with latin walks that reinforce correct technique at the top of each lesson and also gets hearts pumping and clears away the brain fuzzys getting us ready to focus, we stretch with a focus on proper turnout and range of movement, we delve deep into basic latin techniques, with a focus on each dance and correct ways of moving and finally we work on our performance quality.
Each term we endeavour to teach 2-3 main performance focussed choreographies with additional combos that vary in difficulty to reinforce new techniques and steps learnt, Latin students are also encouraged each term to participate in a performance whether it be in their final class for their parents and friends or on stage. As with all of our classes we are really focussed on building confidence and performative skill, understanding how to achieve goals and showing what we can do! These skills are life long transferrable skills that we believe are essential to help create a well-rounded and capable person. Performance opportunity all core Move Monkeys performance options with additional performances for those students enrolled for the full year.
Move Monkeys - Hip Hop

Suggested age: 8+ yrs
Class style: Unaccompanied
Language: English
*6-7yrs must seek approval for enrolment
*Recommended classes per week: 2-3 classes (eg: 2 x hip hop classes or a combination of hip hop and another class)
Our older students really love to dance and are seeking more knowledge to help them unlock their potential! Kids in these classes are keen dancers and love the increased difficulty and discipline required for this style of class.
In these classes we jump into the world of Hip Hop and Street dancing. We examine key themes of Hip Hop dancing including the history and creators of key movements, kinds of movement that are quintessentially Hip Hop like isolations, body rhythm and bounce, popping, locking and grooves. We also focus on strength, expression and performance quality.
Each class we warm up with a fun but cardio focused hip hop style dance that gets hearts pumping and clears away the brain fuzzys getting us ready to focus, we stretch with a focus on isolating body parts and conditioning our muscles to recognise physical cues, we delve deep into Hip Hop techniques and how we can move to communicate clearly and finally we work on our performance quality.
Each term we endeavour to teach 1 main performance focussed choreography with additional combos that vary in difficulty to reinforce new techniques and steps learnt, Hip Hop students are also encouraged each term to participate in a performance whether it be in their final class for their parents and friends or on stage. As with all of our classes we are really focussed on building confidence and performative skill, understanding how to achieve goals and showing what we can do! These skills are life long transferrable skills that we believe are essential to help create a well-rounded and capable person. Performance opportunity all core Move Monkeys performance options with additional performances for those students enrolled for the full year.

Move Monkeys - KPOP
Suggested age: 8+ yrs
Class style: Unaccompanied
Language: English
*6-7yrs must seek approval for enrolment
*Recommended classes per week: 2-3 classes (eg: a combination of KPOP and other classes)
Our older students really love to dance and are seeking more knowledge to help them unlock their potential! Kids in these classes are keen dancers and love the increased difficulty and discipline required for this style of class.
In these classes we explore popular KPOP dances and what styles of dance and techniques we need to be able to achieve the choreography. We focus on popular KPOP groups and emulate the choreography that was specially crafted to match each specific song. We take time to conduct choreography studies to help students break down routines into palatable chunks in order to learn choreography quickly and accurately. We use proper techniques from the respective styles and mechanics of movement, posture and style, performance quality and quality of movement.
Each class we warm up with a fun KPOP warm up that gets hearts pumping and clears away the brain fuzzys getting us ready to focus, we stretch with a focus on injury prevention and conditioning, we delve deep into KPOP styles of dance, with a focus on each choreo as a unique art piece while also focusing on correct ways of moving and finally we work on our performance quality.
Each term we endeavour to teach 1 main performance focussed choreography with additional combos that vary in difficulty to reinforce new techniques and steps learnt, KPOP students are also encouraged each term to participate in a performance whether it be in their final class for their parents and friends or on stage. As with all of our classes we are really focussed on building confidence and performative skill, understanding how to achieve goals and showing what we can do! These skills are life long transferrable skills that we believe are essential to help create a well-rounded and capable person. Performance opportunity all core Move Monkeys performance options with additional performances for those students enrolled for the full year.
Move Monkeys - Strength and Conditioning

Suggested age: 8+ yrs
Class style: Unaccompanied
Language: English
*6-7yrs must seek approval for enrolment
*Recommended classes per week: 1 class
The more we dive into dancing and the more we recognise how important it is to have strong, capable bodies. This means that our muscles must be strong but also our bodies must be flexible with a decent range of movement (very important for injury prevention and muscle recovery) and we also need to build our stamina in order to give it 110% from the beginning to the end of our choreographies. The goal of a dancer is to make incredibly difficult movements look effortless, cool and controlled.
These classes are a combination of HIIT for kids, mixed with core control and balance exercises and intensive stretch and recovery.
Each class we warm up with a fun cardio based combo that gets hearts pumping and clears away the brain fuzzys getting us ready to focus, we jump into a 10 to 15 minute HIIT exercise where we push our bodies to their maximum strengthening our big muscles and our cardiovascular system building our stamina. We move into more controlled strength based training and we stretch with a focus on flexibility and conditioning.
These classes are an essential addition to any Move Monkeys schedule in order to ensure that base strength, stamina and/or flexibility are not hindering their abilities in their other classes and performances. Strong Move Monkeys is the goal!